Which famous people have you outlived?

Silvio Gesell

German economist

Died when: 67 years 359 days (815 months)
Star Sign: Pisces


Silvio Gesell

Johann Silvio Gesell (German: [g?'z?l]; 17 March 1862 – 11 March 1930) was a German-Argentine economist, merchant, and the founder of Freiwirtschaft, an economic model for market socialism.

In 1900 he founded the magazine Geld-und Bodenreform (Monetary and Land Reform), but it soon closed for financial reasons.During one of his stays in Argentina, where he lived in a vegetarian commune, Gesell started the magazine Der Physiokrat together with Georg Blumenthal.

In 1914, it closed due to censorship.The Bavarian Soviet Republic, in which he participated, had a violent end and Gesell was detained for several months on a charge of treason, but was acquitted by a Munich court after a speech he gave in his own defense.

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