Which famous people have you outlived?

Pietro Belluschi

American architect

Died when: 94 years 180 days (1133 months)
Star Sign: Leo


Pietro Belluschi

Pietro Belluschi (August 18, 1899 – February 14, 1994) was an Italian-American architect.A leading figure in modern architecture, he was responsible for the design of over 1,000 buildings.

Born in Italy, Belluschi began his architectural career as a draftsman in a Portland, Oregon firm.He achieved a national reputation within about 20 years, largely for his 1947 aluminum-clad Equitable Building.

In 1951 he was named the dean of the MIT School of Architecture and Planning, where he served until 1965, also working as collaborator and design consultant for many high-profile commissions, most famously the 1963 Pan Am Building.

He won the American Institute of Architects' Gold Medal in 1972.

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