Which famous people have you outlived?

Sisowath Kossamak

Queen consort of Cambodia

Died when: 71 years 18 days (852 months)
Star Sign: Aries


Sisowath Kossamak

Sisowath Kossamak (Khmer: ?????????? ?????; 9 April 1904 – 27 April 1975) was the queen consort of King Norodom Suramarit of Cambodia, who reigned from 1955 to 1960.After her husband's death in 1960, her son Norodom Sihanouk became chief of state, while Kossamak played an important public representational rule during her son's reign in 1960-1970.

Sisowath Kossamak was born a Cambodian princess as the daughter of King Sisowath Monivong and his wife Norodom Kanviman Norleak Tevi.

Her official title was Preah Mohaksatreiyani Sisowath Monivong Kossamak Nearirath Serey Vathana (Khmer: ?????????????????? ?????????????????? ?????????????????????????).Upon the death of Monivong in 1941, Sihanouk took the throne.

In 1955, he abdicated in favor of his father Suramarit, who then reigned for five years.After her husband's death, Kossamak kept her title of Queen and continued to function as the symbol and representative of the monarchy while Sihanouk assumed his position as monarch, but titled as Prince rather than King.

Contrary to what has sometimes been alleged, she was never a monarch, as female succession was forbidden in the constitution.

After the coup of 1970, Kossamak was placed under arrest, but retained her title before being stripped of all status during the formal proclamation of the republic in October 1970.

She remained under house arrest until her health declined in 1973, and she was allowed to join her son in China.

Kossamak died in Beijing on 27 April 1975, ten days after the Khmer Rouge captured Phnom Penh.

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